Workshop Archives

Archived Workshop Recordings
Workshop Title   Description Facilitators Workshop Type   Workshop Date Sort ascending Recording Link
Nurture and Care: Coaching Soft Skills in Mathematics

This session will spotlight the use of low-stake weekly discussion board assignments to help students with strategies to succeed.

  • Gayathri Manikandan
    Math, Compton College
  • Theresa Martin
    Biology, College of San Mateo
Peer Sharing
Equitable and metacognitive approaches to library sessions

This session will spotlight some of the major challenges students face in their research and scholarly writing process, and how librarians can support STEM students to overcome them.

  • Anamika Magwalu
    Library Liaison to Engineering and Computer Sciences, SJSU
Coach Workshop
Breaking STEM Barriers: Using ePortfolios for Equitable Assessment and Empowered Learning in STEM Courses

Looking for ways to more equitably assess, engage, and challenge all students in your STEM courses? Join us to learn about how ePortfolios have increased student success, enhanced learning, and created a sense of community and belonging in STEM courses and how you can do it, too! 

  • Jamey Cooper
    Earth Science Faculty, Victor Valley College & Riverside City College
  • Kelan Koning
    3CSN Coordinator & Writing Faculty, CSU Northridge
Coach Workshop
Metacognition & Paired Problem Solving for Peer Educators

This workshop was an opportunity to learn and practice the "Think Aloud and Paired Problem Solving" (TAPPS) technique, a Reading Apprenticeship routine for putting the students in charge of their own learning and problem solving. Originally recorded on November 16, 2022.

  • Crystal Kiekel
    LA Pierce College (LAPC) CAS Director & California Community Colleges’ Success Network (3CSN) Coordinator
  • Ariella Daniali
    Statistics Tutor, LA Pierce College & 3CSN intern
  • Lindsey Anne Macaraig
    3CSN Intern
  • Lindsey Lazo
    Success Coach, Pasadena City College & 3CSN Intern
Coach Workshop
Transforming STEM Teaching Faculty Learning Program (FLP) Information Session

3CSN is proud to partner once again with our UC and CSU colleagues, with funding from an NSF IUSE grant at CSUDH, to offer the opportunity to participate in UC Berkeley’s Transforming STEM Teaching Faculty Learning Program (FLP). This link will take you to an external website in a new tab. This info session described how you can learn with STEM colleagues and facilitators, earn continuing education units (optional), and receive a $1,000 stipend upon completion of the program. Click here  This link will take you to an external website in a new tab.for more information.

Originally recorded on November 15th, 2022.

  • Nika Hogan
    3CSN Coordinator
  • Lars Kjeseth
    Math, El Camino College
  • Art Martinez
    Math, El Camino College
Coach Workshop
STEM Learning Community Reunion

Do you miss your STEM Learning Community colleagues and the opportunity to share ideas about your teaching?  If so, join us this fall for a reunion session!  Connect with colleagues and leave feeling re-energized.  On Friday, September 30 from 10:00am to 12:00pm and Friday, October 21 from 10:00am-12:00pm, we will host reunion sessions that will include: time to talk about how things are going, a spotlight presentation and discussion from one of our colleagues, and a chance to share what you are currently working on and get feedback.  We hope to see you there!

  • Theresa Martin
    Biology, College of San Mateo
  • Christina Sover
    Math, CSU Long Beach
  • Shannamar Dewey
    Biology, Butte College
Coach Workshop
STEM Learning Community Reunion

Do you miss your STEM Learning Community colleagues and the opportunity to share ideas about your teaching?  If so, join us this fall for a reunion session!  Connect with colleagues and leave feeling re-energized.  On Friday, September 30 from 10:00am to 12:00pm and Friday, October 21 from 10:00am-12:00pm, we will host reunion sessions that will include: time to talk about how things are going, a spotlight presentation and discussion from one of our colleagues, and a chance to share what you are currently working on and get feedback.  We hope to see you there!


  • Theresa Martin
    Biology, College of San Mateo
  • Christina Sover
    Math, CSU Long Beach
Coach Workshop
Nurturing a Creative STEM Identity: A 3-Day Design Lab with Two Design Storms

Please join us for "Nurturing a Creative STEM Identity: a 3-Day Design Lab with 2 Design Storms" This link will take you to an external website in a new tab. July 19-21 from 10 AM to 12 PM, a three-day Zoom workshop for practitioners who want to infuse more creativity into their classrooms. The design lab is geared toward STEM fields and intersecting disciplines. 

Participants will:

  • Learn practicable ways to help students grow a strong STEM identity through the power of creativity, imagination, and metacognitive reflection. 
  • Consider how your STEM identity and your relationship to the creative muses shape your teaching practice and how to build on your (and your students') strengths. 
  • Experience creative chaos coalesce through two design storms that will equip you with tools for authentic assessment supporting Guided Pathways pedagogical framework.

We hope to see you there!

  • Shanna Dobson
    Mathematics, California State University, Los Angeles
  • Rachel Ridgeway
    Oceanography, Glendale Community College
Coach Workshop
Making it Real: Reading Apprenticeship Design Lab

Is there a Reading Apprenticeship-related idea that you have wanted a chance to develop further? Have you been missing this community? Did you develop a "pandemic hack" that you are excited to share with others? If so, this 4-part online Design Lab is your chance to reconnect with your Reading Apprenticeship community, share your ideas, and receive inspiration and support. 

July 18, 20, 25 and 27 from 2:00PM-3:30PM

Learning Goals:

  • Reconnect with our community of Reading Apprenticeship colleagues for connection, support, and teacher soul nourishment! 
  • Surface how Reading Apprenticeship cultivates equity through active learning, capacity building, metacognitive conversations, and other equity design principles. 
  • “Quickly” complete a Reading Apprenticeship project--possibly a text-based activity, plan or blog for our website, or something else you have on your Reading Apprenticeship “to-do list'' (revised syllabus, module, etc). Find inspiration on the "Read to Learn" website This link will take you to an external website in a new tab.


  • Nika Hogan
    Lead Designer, 3CSN, and Reading Apprenticeship College Coordinator, WestEd
Coach Workshop
Showing Care to and Building Relationships with Students

One thing teachers strive to do is show our students that we care about them and their success in and out of the classroom. This STEM learning Community Network workshop, facilitated by Christina Sover (Mathematics, CSULB), showcases skills we have and new ideas about better reaching out to our students. Originally recorded Friday, April 29, 2022.

  • Christina Sover
    Mathematics, California State University, Long Beach
Peer Sharing
OPTIONAL Workshop: Support for Using the MERLOT Template to Share your Text Based Activity

Is there anything more frustrating than having your ideas hindered by formatting issues? Ugh!

Don't suffer alone. Come to this workshop, facilitated by Linda Zarzana, Chemistry Professor and STEM Learning Community facilitator, for experienced guidance on using the Merlot template for your final project.

  • Linda Zarzana
Coach Workshop
OPTIONAL WORKSHOP: Support for Using the MERLOT Template

You are in the home stretch!  You have a solid draft of your Text Based Activity final project . . . but now you have to figure out how to get it into the Merlot template  where it can be published on our project website (with a Creative Commons license).


Don't suffer alone!  Theresa Martin, Biology professor and STEM Learning Community facilitator, will lead this workshop to support you in getting your text-based activities into Merlot.

  • Theresa Martin
Coach Workshop
OPTIONAL WORKSHOP: Creating a Text Based Activity using Backward Design

Are you feeling overwhelmed or unsure about your final project? Don't worry! We are here to help!

Erica Seubert, Biology professor and STEM Learning Community facilitator, will lead this workshop to support the development of text-based activities.

  • Erica Seubert
Coach Workshop
Conceptual Flow Mapping - From Content Planning to Course Assignments (Part 2)

Creating a conceptual flow map for a course can help organize content and make connections in ways that make sense for you and your students.  In the first session, on March 3rd, we talked about what they are, when to use them, and how to make them.

This second session will provide time for more extensive individual feedback on a conceptual flow map for your own course and what to do with it once it is done, as well as adapting the technique into class assignments for your students.

  • Becky Talyn
Peer Sharing
Designing Responsive Instruction

We all have classroom activities that used to work in "the before times," but don't translate well to our current teaching context.  This workshop will provide some time and space to explore resources for online engagement and how to use them with minimal stress.

  • Diane Livio
    Biology, Los Angeles Mission College
Coach Workshop
Math Chat

This hour is set aside for Math instructors to chat with other Math instructors in our STEM Learning Community network.

  • Nika Hogan
Peer Sharing
Read and Discuss: "Language Matters: Considering Microaggressions in Science"

It has become common to hear about the negative impact of microagressions, but would you appreciate the opportunity to learn more about what is meant by the term, and to discuss it with colleagues from this STEM Network?  Come and build knowledge and understanding in this optional workshop.

We will ground our discussion in Harrison, C., & Tanner, K. D. (2018). Language Matters: Considering Microaggressions in Science.  This link will take you to an external website in a new tab.CBE life sciences education17(1), fe4.

You are welcome to read the article in advance of the meeting, but if you don't, you can still participate!  We will take time during the session to read some chunks so that everyone can engage in text-based conversation.

  • Nika Hogan
Coach Workshop
Facilitating Talk in Asynchronous Online Science Classes

What does ideal talk for learning look and sound like?  What challenges exist for getting students talking?  Come to this workshop to build knowledge about the role of talk in learning, explore examples, brainstorm strategies, and make plans for facilitating talk.

  • Melissa Harman
    Chemistry, Riverside Community College
Coach Workshop
TAPPS Two Ways: Think Aloud Paired Problem Solving in Biology and Chemistry

Do you need to build confidence facilitating Think Aloud Paired Problem Solving (TAPPS), or just need some space to think through how you might use it in your class?  This workshop will allow you to practice, observe, discuss, and plan TAPPS.

  • Corin Slown
    Biology and Chemistry, CSU, Monterey Bay
Coach Workshop
Re-imagining the Imagination in Mathematics: Building Reader-Identity Towards an Invitation to Learn

Are you looking for ways to showcase imagination and creativity in STEM curricula, to build independent learners? In this workshop, we will discuss ways to curate creative metacognitive routines to foster curiosity and independent learning, with an exemplary exploration into a mathematical multiversity in Last Thursdayism. 

  • Shanna Dobson
    Math, CSULA and Mt St Mary's College
Coach Workshop
Threshold Concepts Workshop: Eliciting Tacit Knowledge

Come to this workshop to go deeper in your understanding of threshold concepts by exploring the role of tacit knowledge in learning.  Please review "An Introduction to Threshold Concepts" This link will take you to an external website in a new tab. as preparation.  You will be supported to design an activity that would make tacit knowledge more explicit.

  • Lilit Haroyan
    Physics, East Los Angeles College
Coach Workshop
Engaging Groups in Online Classes

In this webinar, Professor Malena Prinzing discusses how to make student-to-student interaction in online course more beneficial through teamwork! Discussion boards have their place, but Malena is here to advocate that teamwork is one of the best (and more equitable) ways to build community in an online course. This, of course, does not magically happen - it takes structure and coaching. Malena shares what has worked in her courses and provides some Canvas Commons resources you can adapt to your course.

  • Malena Prinzing
    Information Technology and Business Professor, Sierra College
Peer Sharing
Finding Open Resources (OER) in STEM

There is a whole world of Free and Open resources that you can use for your classes! The challenge is finding them. Suzanne Wakim explores search strategies, and OER repositories, Creative Commons licenses and opportunities for collaboration in OER work happening across the state. Suzanne's powerpoint is here This link will take you to an external website in a new tab..

  • Suzanne Wakim
    Biology faculty at Butte College and OER (Open Educational Resources) OER Project Monitor
Expert Guest
Merlot Assignment Hands On Workshop Part 2: What's the (text-based) plan?

Nika Hogan led this workshop to support the development of text-based activities. Originally recorded Tuesday, March 16, 2021.

  • Nika Hogan
    Pasadena City College, 3CSN, and Network Leader
Coach Workshop
Merlot Assignment Hands On Workshop Part 1: Choosing a Text

Nika Hogan led this workshop to support the complex business of choosing texts that are worth spending class time on to advance learning. Originally recorded Friday, March 12, 2021.

  • Nika Hogan
    Pasadena City College, 3CSN, and Network Leader
Coach Workshop
Behind the Scenes: Creating a Text-Based Activity to Share

Richard Abdelkerim shared his process in drafting his “Text-based activities” in the Merlot template. Originally Recorded Friday, March 12.

  • Richard Abdelkerim
    Pasadena City College and STEM Network Leader
Coach Workshop
Behind the Scenes: Creating a Text-Based Activity to Share

Theresa Martin shared her process in drafting her “Text-based activities” in the Merlot template. Originally Recorded Thursday, March 11.

  • Theresa Martin
    College of San Mateo and Network Leader
Coach Workshop
Behind the Scenes: Creating a Text-Based Activity to Share

Linda Zarzana shared her process in drafting her “Text-based activities” in the Merlot template. Originally Recorded Friday, March 5.

  • Linda Zarzana
    American River College and Network Leader
Coach Workshop
Behind the Scenes: Creating a Text-Based Activity to Share

Erica Seubert shared her process in drafting her “Text-based activities” in the Merlot template. Originally Recorded Friday, March 5.

  • Erica Seubert
    College of the Canyons and Network Leader
Coach Workshop
Mastery Grading in Mathematics: A More Equitable Approach to Grading

Sharona Krinsky and Robert Bosley of CSULA/ LAUSD make the case for utilizing Mastery Based Grading to support active, equitable learning in Math classes. The powerpoint is here. This link will take you to an external website in a new tab. Originally recorded Friday, October 23.

  • Sharona Krinsky
    from the Math Learning Community
  • Robert Bosley
Peer Sharing
Desmos, FlipGrid, and Small Group Collaboration

Reading Apprenticeship coach and Math instructor Rick Hough led this workshop showcasing his innovative Intermediate Algebra course. Rick's powerpoint is here This link will take you to an external website in a new tab.. Originally recorded Saturday, October 3.

  • Rick Hough
Coach Workshop
Addressing Student Confidence and Status Online

Reading Apprenticeship coach and Math Instructor Michael Hoffman led this workshop about how to take student status and confidence into affect when designing group activities. Originally Recorded Thursday, September 17.

  • Michael Hoffman
Coach Workshop
Using Voicethread for Metacognitive Conversations

Erica shared the way she is using Voicethread in her Biology courses! Originally recorded on Tuesday, September 8. Here is Erica's powerpoint with embedded videos! This link will take you to an external website in a new tab.

  • Erica Mullins
    from STEM Learning Community Track 1
Peer Sharing
Using Perusall to Talk to the Text

Experienced Reading Apprenticeship facilitator and coach Tiffany Ingle walked us through how to integrate Perusall into our courses to assist metacognitive conversations online. Originally reccorded Tuesday, August 25, 2020.

  • Tiffany Ingle
Coach Workshop
Navigating OER Resources

Leslie Kennedy introduces Merlot, Libretexts, and cool4ed (see next tab) to help us get started finding OER resources. Originally recorded Friday, August 21.

  • Leslie Kennedy
    Sr Director, Academic Technology Services, CSUCO
Expert Guest
How do Inquiry Based Labs Enhance Scientific Thinking?

Our team of coaches framed an inquiry into how to scaffold to authentic inquiry in labs, and provided a model. A follow up to be scheduled in November. Originally recorded Thursday, August 20

  • Lilit Haroyan
  • Erica Seubert
  • Parvaneh Mohammadian
Coach Workshop
Using Groups in Canvas

Malena shared the way she uses Canvas groups to create teams in her courses! Originally recorded Friday, August 14

  • Malena Prinzing
    from STEM Learning Community Track 2
Peer Sharing