
Text-based active learning inspired by Reading Apprenticeship


You know that we can support students by providing zero-cost text options. We can also support students’ learning and success by thoughtfully planning activities and assignments around those texts.

This site gathers text-based activity plans that help students to grapple with important disciplinary concepts, authored by California college and university instructors.

The site is a collaboration of the California State University Chancellor's Office Institute for Teaching and Learning (ITL) and the California Community Colleges Success Network (3CSN) This link will take you to an external website in a new tab., with support from the California Education Learning Lab This link will take you to an external website in a new tab..

What is Reading Apprenticeship?

Reading Apprenticeship supports instructors to consider the role of text in disciplinary learning, while also paying explicit attention to academic mind-set, self-concept, identity, and persistence. Focusing on four dimensions of classroom life — social, personal, cognitive, and knowledge-building — students in Reading Apprenticeship classrooms are guided through metacognitive conversations with texts (such as graphs, equations, images, videos, problems and proofs as well as more traditional textbook passages). The conversations give students access to the “insider moves” that contribute to fluency and flexibility in college level, discipline specific knowledge building.